This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Tutorial Injeksi Executable – Splash Screen

18 April 2011
Penulis: mrhpx · Kategori Artikel: Cracking

Pernahkah Anda melihat Splash Screen bergambar pada sebuah software, entah itu software trial utilities, Game dan lainnya? Artikel ini akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana cara menyisipkan sebuah Splash Screen bergambar dengan menggunakan bitmap yang akan muncul secara otomatis setiap kali software dijalankan. Artikel ini sedikit banyak hampir sama dengan artikel sebelumnya “Tutorial Injeksi Executable – [...]

Tutorial Injeksi Executable – MessageBox

17 April 2011
Penulis: mrhpx · Kategori Artikel: Cracking

Sebuah aplikasi executable pada Microsoft Windows seperti *.exe, *.dll, *.sys, dan lainnya meskipun memiliki fungsi berbeda antara satu dan lainnya namun tetap tergolong sebagai satu tipe yaitu Portable Executable (PE). Sebagai acuan Saya menyarankan Anda membaca buku karangan Mat Pietrek “Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format” buku hebat [...]

Menembus Proteksi Password & Serial Number

15 April 2011
Penulis: mrhpx · Kategori Artikel: Cracking

Menembus Proteksi Password dan Serial Number Pada Program Dengan Trik Win32 Hook Latar belakang Mungkin dalam keseharian ada di antara kita yang tidak sengaja menghilangkan Password atau Serial Number dari program yang sudah kita beli. Kalau sudah begitu tentunya repot. Untuk mendapatkannya kembali bisa saja dengan menghubungi toko retail maupun vendor program tempat program tersebut [...]

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Speedy dengan Mikrotik Routers

Posted: 15 Juli 2007 by abu aisyah in my file

MikroTik RouterOS? adalah sistem operasi dan perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadikan komputer manjadi router network yang handal, mencakup berbagai fitur yang dibuat untuk ip network dan jaringan wireless, cocok digunakan oleh ISP dan provider hostspot.

Kemarin, ada temen yg minta tolong di-setting-kan PC routernya. Dia pake Mikrotik RouterOS. Aq juga ga tau knapa kok dia milih Mikrotik.. Aneh² ae.. Klo untuk Linux seh aq udah biasa pake + nyetting, tapi klo yg namanya Mikrotik blom pernah sama sekali. Tapi menurutku paling ya gitu² aja kaya Linux OS yg laen.. Ya udah aq sanggupin aja..

Oia, aq ga akan mbahas gmn cara instalasinya Mikrotik RouterOS. Jadi untuk instalasinya silahkan merujuk ke situsnya Mikrotik.

Sampai di lokasi, aq coba ngeliat seperti apa seh Mikrotik itu Seperti biasa, klo pertama kali aq berhadapan dengan console, perintah pertama yg aq ketikkan adalah ls untuk ngeliat isinya direktori. Tapi apa hasilnya? Ternyata perintah ls ga dikenali di Mikrotik.. Aq coba perintah² Linux laennya, hasilnya jg sama, ga dikenali. Hmm.. Trus aq coba tekan tombol TAB, voila.. Terus kluar sederetan perintah² gitu.. Ternyata fungsinya sama kaya bash completion di Linux..

Aq liat isinya.. Ohh.. Ternyata gini toh Mikrotik itu.. Aq coba ketik ip, maka kita langsung masuk ke sub menu ip. Aq tekan TAB lagi, trus aq ketik address, tekan tombol ENTER, maka langsung masuk ke sub menu ip address. Terus aq coba ketik “..” (without quotes) ternyata langsung kembali ke sub menu ip lagi. Ohh.. I see.. Jadi gini ya.. Klo misal dari sub menu apapun dan kita pengin kembali ke root menu, langsung ketik aja “/“.

Oke.. Aq rasa perkenalannya udah cukup. Sekarang saatnya kita “menggarap” si Mikrotik ini biar bisa berfungsi sebagaimana yg diharapkan..

Sebelumnya saya gambarkan dulu skema jaringannya:

LAN —> Mikrotik RouterOS —> Modem ADSL —> INTERNET

Untuk LAN, kita pake kelas C, dengan network Untuk Mikrotik RouterOS, kita perlu dua ethernet card. Satu (ether1 – untuk sambungan ke Modem ADSL dan satu lagi (ether2 – untuk sambungan ke LAN. Untuk Modem ADSL, IP kita set

Sebelum mengetikkan apapun, pastikan Anda telah berada pada root menu dengan mengetikkan “/”

Set IP untuk masing²ethernet card

ip address add address= interface=ether1
ip address add address= interface=ether2

Untuk menampilkan hasil perintah di atas ketikkan perintah berikut:

ip address print

Kemudian lakukan testing dengan mencoba nge-ping ke gateway atau ke komputer yg ada pada LAN. Jika hasilnya sukses, maka konfigurasi IP Anda sudah benar


Menambahkan Routing
ip route add gateway=

Setting DNS
ip dns set primary-dns= allow-remote-requests=yes
ip dns set secondary-dns= allow-remote-requests=yes

Karena koneksi ini menggunakan Speedy dari Telkom, maka DNS yg aq pake ya punya Telkom. Silahkan sesuaikan dengan DNS provider Anda.

Setelah itu coba Anda lakukan ping ke misalnya:


Jika hasilnya sukses, maka settingan DNS sudah benar

Source NAT (Network Address Translation) / Masquerading
Agar semua komputer yg ada di LAN bisa terhubung ke internet juga, maka Anda perlu menambahkan NAT (Masquerade) pada Mikrotik.

ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether1

Sekarang coba lakukan ping ke dari komputer yang ada di LAN


Jika hasilnya sukses, maka setting masquerade sudah benar

DHCP (DynamicHost Configuration Protocol)
Karena alasan supaya praktis, temenku pengin pake DHCP Server. Biar klo tiap ada klien yang konek, dia ga perlu setting IP secara manual. Tinggal obtain aja dari DHCP Server, beres dah. Untungnya Mikrotik ini juga ada fitur DHCP Servernya. Jadi ya ga ada masalah..

Membuat IP Address Pool

ip pool add name=dhcp-pool ranges=

Menambahkan DHCP Network
ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway= dns-server=,

Menambahkan Server DHCP
ip dhcp-server add name=DHCP_LAN disabled=no interface=ether2 address-pool=dhcp-pool

Sekarang coba lakukan testing dari komputer klien, untuk me-request IP Address dari Server DHCP. Jika sukses, maka sekali lagi, settingannya udah bener

Bandwidth Control
Agar semua komputer klien pada LAN tidak saling berebut bandwidth, maka perlu dilakukan yg namanya bandwidth management atau bandwidth control

Model yg saya gunakan adalah queue trees. Untuk lebih jelas apa itu, silahkan merujuk ke situsnya Mikrotik

Kondisinya seperti ini:

Koneksi Speedy kan katanya speednya sampe 384/64 Kbps (Download/Upload), nah kondisi itu sangat jarang tercapai. Jadi kita harus cari estimasi rata²nya. Maka saya ambil minimalnya untuk download bisa dapet sekitar 300 Kbps dan untuk upload aq alokasikan 50 Kbps. Sedangkan untuk yg maksimumnya, untuk download kira² 380 Kbps dan upload 60 Kbps.

Lalu, jumlah komputer klien yang ada saat ini adalah 10 buah. Jadi harus disiapkan bandwidth itu untuk dibagikan kepada 10 klien tersebut.

Perhitungan untuk masing² klien seperti ini:

Minimal Download: 300 / 10 * 1024 = 30720 bps
Maximal Download: 380 / 10 * 1024 = 38912 bps

Minimal Upload: 50 / 10 * 1024 = 5120 bps
Maximal Upload: 60 / 10 * 1024 = 6144 bps
Selanjutnya kita mulai konfigurasinya:

Tandai semua paket yg asalnya dari LAN

ip firewall mangle add src-address= action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=Clients-con chain=prerouting

ip firewall mangle add connection-mark=Clients-con action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=Clients chain=prerouting

Menambahkan rule yg akan membatasi kecepatan download dan upload
queue tree add name=Clients-Download parent=ether2 packet-mark=Clients limit-at=30720 max-limit=38912

queue tree add name=Clients-Upload parent=ether1 packet-mark=Clients limit-at=5120 max-limit=6144

Sekarang coba lakukan test download dari beberapa klien, mestinya sekarang tiap2 klien akan berbagi bandwidthnya. Jika jumlah klien yg online tidak sampai 10, maka sisa bandwidth yang nganggur itu akan dibagikan kepada klien yg online.

Mikrotik ini juga dilengkapi dengan fungsi monitoring traffic layaknya MRTG biasa. Jadi kita bisa melihat berapa banyak paket yg dilewatkan pada PC Mikrotik kita.

tool graphing set store-every=5min

Berikutnya yang akan kita monitor adalah paket² yg lewat semua interface yg ada di PC Mikrotik kita, klo di komputerku ada ether1 dan ether2.

tool graphing interface add-interface=all store-on-disk=yes

Sekarang coba arahkan browser anda ke IP Router Mikrotik. Klo aq di sini:

Nanti akan ada pilihan interface apa aja yg ada di router Anda. Coba klik salah satu, maka Anda akan bisa melihat grafik dari paket2 yg lewat pada interface tersebut.

Wew.. Akhirnya selesai juga perkenalan kita dengan Mikrotik RouterOS Silahkan Anda simpulkan sendiri. Menurut Anda enak mana, pake Mikrotik atau pake Linux biasa? Klo aq seh mending pilih Linux, soalnya udah biasa.. Tapi Mikrotik juga lumayan kok.. Meski awalnya rada² bingung ama command²nya..

Download Film Obama Anak Menteng (2010) Gratis

Credit By:: T-XBYR 703Y |
Sinopsis Indonesia Obama Anak Menteng (2010)
Barry Obama berusia 9 tahun ketika ia tiba di Menteng. Sebagai anak baru juga latar belakangnya yang campur aduk membuatnya sulit beradaptasi. Persahabatannya dengan anak-anak tetangga, berbeda strata sosial yaitu Slamet dan Yuniardi, serta pembantunya yang banci, Turdi, membawa Barry ke berbagai pengalaman masa kecil yang tidak terlupakan.
Lewat permainan Ping Pong, Monopoli, bahkan main kelereng, membuat Barry semakin akrab dengan Slamet dan Yuniardi. Ia juga memahami kehidupan unik seorang banci bernama Turdi. Hubungan keduanya makin memancing olok-olok anak-anak kampung. Di lapangan sepak bola berlumpur, Barry pun bentrok dengan Carut dan geng-nya.
Semua pengalaman ini mengajarkan pada Barry, selain membuka diri dalam menerima perbedaan, tapi juga menerima dirinya sendiri sebagai orang yang beda seutuhnya.

Trailer Obama Anak Menteng (2010)

Download Film / Movie Obama Anak Menteng (2010) : Mediafire

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Cara Membuat Dan Mempercantik Thema Dalam FaceBook Anda

Posted by Andrie Danang Kurniawan 3:13 PM, under | 6 comments

Nih bagi yang suka FB an , tapi bosan dengan Thema yang warna Biru nih ada cara biar thema facebook kita dapat berubah. 1.Buka dan Install Ini 2.Lihat Gambar di bawah Ini : Pertama Keduaketigake empat3.Kamu Restar Mozille nya.4.Lalu kamu masuk Tempat yang menyedakan Thema facebook : Klik Disini 5.Klik Install With Stylish6.Kemudian kamu buka hasilnya akan seperti ini : Sorry nama dan sponsor saya sensor karena tkut bnyak...

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Cara Setting AOL 9.1 Untuk Membuat Proxy

1. Download Software AOL 9.1 di situs berikut dan install software tersebut

2. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, buka AOL 9.1 anda lalu pilih menu Connect Options

3. Setelah anda pilih menu Connect Options, maka akan tampil gambar seperti di bawah ini, pilih lagi menu Advanced Setting ( Pojok kiri Bawah ).

4.Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, lalu pilih Tab Broadband dan klik tulisan Add a Broadband Profile dan tulis profile terserah anda, lalu klik add.

5. Setelah itu di menu Connection Type pilih Home Network lalu save.

6. Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, Screen Name pilih New User, Connection di pilih nama koneksi yang anda buat tadi ( Langkah 4 ) lalu klik Sign ON

7. Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, centang pilihan “You already have an AOL Screen Name and Password”, lalu masukkan username dan password ( ini adalah username dan password email AOL anda ) lalu klik Next, jika anda belum punya anda bisa mendaftar email di situs secara gratis.

8. Setelah anda mendapatkan tampilan seperti ini , buka Firefox atau Internet Explorer anda

9.Buka Firefox atau Internet Explorer anda dan coba masuk ke situs, maka otomatis IP anda akan berubah mengikuti IP yg di miliki oleh AOL.(Ingat AOL anda jangan ditutup ataupun di disconnect, jika anda menutup/disconnect AOL maka otomatis IP anda akan kembali seperti semula )

*. AOL ini berguna sebagai VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) dalam arti apapun software anda ( Contoh : Firefox, Internet Explorer, MIRC, ataupun YM ) yang melakukan koneksi ke internet, secara otomatis langsung menggunakan IP dari AOL tersebut selama software AOL anda masih Sign On.

Rabu, 13 April 2011

NetBeans Platform

NetBeans Platform 6.0 Quick Start Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to build an HTML Editor, without any Java coding whatsoever. At the end of this tutorial, you will have an HTML Editor that looks like this:

splash screen panel

Although this is a very simple demo application, it is not a toy! It is a real program that supports easy editing of HTML pages, with features such as code completion, validation, and predefined HTML snippets.

Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0 only. Click here to see the most up to date version.

The HTML Editor that you create in this tutorial is a rich-client application built "on top of the NetBeans Platform". What this means is that the core of the IDE, which is what the NetBeans Platform is, will be the base of your application. On top of the NetBeans Platform, you add the modules that you need and exclude the ones that the IDE needs but that your application doesn't. Here you see some of the IDE's modules, added to the NetBeans Platform, which is its base:

HTML Editor

Creating this HTML Editor means generating an application skeleton, excluding the modules and user interface items that you do not need, and then setting the Favorites window as the window that will open by default when the IDE starts. All of these activities are supported by user interface elements in the IDE.

You will see for yourself how simple and easy it is to build, or to be more precise, to assemble a full-featured application on top of the NetBeans Platform. At the end, you are shown how to make the final product easily downloadable and launchable using WebStart.

Note: Even though it is a separate product, there is no need to download the NetBeans Platform separately for purposes of this tutorial. You will develop the rich-client application in the IDE and then exclude the modules that are specific to the IDE but that are superfluous to you application.


Content on this page applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0

For more information on working with modules, see the NetBeans Development Project home on the NetBeans website. If you have questions, visit the NetBeans Developer FAQ or use the feedback link at the top of this page.

Getting Started

Before you begin, you need to install the following software on your computer:

Generating the Skeleton Application

When creating an application on the NetBeans Platform, the very first step is to create a module suite project. The default module suite project includes all the modules included in the NetBeans Platform as well as all the modules included in NetBeans IDE. Since we do not need all these modules, we will exclude those that we do not need.

  1. Using the New Project wizard (Ctrl-Shift-N), create a Module Suite Project from the template in the NetBeans modules category, as shown below:

    splash screen panel

    Click Next and name the module suite "NetBeans HTML Editor". Click Finish.

  2. Right-click the project node, choose Properties, and then make a few changes in the module suite's Project Properties dialog box:
    • In the Build panel, click "Create Standalone Application", to specify that this is going to be a rich-client application on top of the NetBeans Platform.

      Make sure that you like the branding name for the executable and the application title for the titlebar, as shown below:

      application panel

    • In the Splash Screen panel, provide the application's splash screen, as shown below:

      splash screen panel

      If you do not have a splash screen, use this one.

  3. In the Libraries panel of the Project Properties dialog box, you see a list of "clusters". A cluster is a collection of related modules. The only clusters that need to be selected are ide8 and platform7. Deselect all the other clusters.
  4. In the platform7 cluster, you only need the following modules:

    Actions APIs
    Core - Execution
    Core - UI
    Core - Windows
    Datasystems API
    Dialogs API
    Execution API
    Explorer and Property Sheet API
    File System API
    General Queries API
    I/O APIs
    JavaHelp Integration
    Keymap Options
    Look & Feel Customization Library
    MIME Lookup API
    MIME Lookup On SystemFS
    Master Filesystem
    Module System API
    Nodes API
    Options Dialog and SPI
    Output Window
    Progress API
    Progress UI
    Settings API
    Settings Options API
    Swing Layout Extensions integration
    Tab Control
    Text API
    UI Utilities API
    Utilities API
    Window System API

  5. In ide8 cluster, only the following modules are needed:

    Common Palette
    Editor Brace Matching
    Editor Code Completion
    Editor Code Folding
    Editor Guarded Sections
    Editor Indentation
    Editor Library
    Editor Library2
    Editor Settings
    Editor Settings Storage
    Editor Utilities
    Error Stripe API
    Error Stripe Core
    General Options Dialog Panels
    Generic Languages Framework
    HTML Editor
    HTML Editor Library
    HTML Lexer
    IDE Defaults
    Lexer to NetBeans Bridge
    Navigator API
    Plain Editor
    Plain Editor Library
    Project API
    Search API
    Tags Based Editors Library

Tweaking the User Interface

You can keep or reject as much of the IDE's user interface as you want. Your HTML Editor probably does not need any or all of the items under the Tools menu. Similarly, maybe there are toolbars or toolbar buttons that you can do without. In this section, you prune the IDE's user interface until you are left with a subset that is useful to your rich-client application.

  1. Expand the module suite, right-click the Modules node and choose Add New, as shown below:

    this layer in context

    The New Project wizard (Ctrl-Shift-N) appears. Name the project BrandingModule, click Next, and then click Finish.

  2. In the branding module's Important Files node, expand the XML Layer node. Two subnodes are exposed:

    expanded xml layer

  3. In the node, the IDE shows you a merged view of all folders and files that all modules register in their layers. To exclude items, you can right-click them and choose 'Delete', as shown below:

    this layer in context

    The IDE then adds tags to the module's layer.xml file which, when the module is installed, hides the items that you have deleted. For example, by right-clicking within Menu Bar/Edit, you can remove menu items from the Edit menu that are not necessary for the HTML Editor. By doing this, you generate snippets such as the following in the layer.xml file:

    The result of the above snippet is that the Start Macro Recording and Stop Macro Recording actions provided by another module are removed from the menu by your branding module.

  4. Use the approach described in the previous step to hide as many toolbars, toolbar buttons, menus, and menu items as you want.

Tweaking the Window Layout

By using the node, you can not only delete existing items, but you can also change their content. For example, the HTML Editor works on HTML files, so in contrast to the regular IDE, which works with Java source files and projects as well, it makes sense to show the Favorites window in the initial layout.

The definition of the window layout is also described as files in layers, all stored under the Windows2 folder. The files in the Windows2 folder are pseudo-human readable XML files defined by the Window System APIs. They are quite complex but the good news is that, for purposes of our HTML Editor, it is not necessary to understand them fully, as shown below.

  1. In your branding module's node, right-click the Windows2 node and choose Find, as shown below:

    find favorites

  2. Search for an object named Favorites, ignoring the case. You will find two files:

    find favorites

    The first file defines what the component is going to look like and how it gets created. As this does not need to be changed, there is no need to modify the file. The second is more interesting for your purposes, it contains the following:

  3. Even though most of the XML is cryptic, there is one line which seems promising—without needing to read any kind of documentation, it seems likely that changing the false to true is going to make the component opened by default. Do so now.
  4. In a similar way you can change the Component Palete so that it opens by default, and the Navigator so that it is closed. Perform both these steps.

You should now see that your branding module contains three new files, one for each of the files that you changed. In effect, these files override the ones that you found in the previous steps, so that you have now provided the required information for overriding the window layout:

find favorites

Tweaking the Favorites Window

In the subfolders of a module suite's branding folder, which is visible in the Files window, you can override strings defined in the NetBeans sources. In this section, you will override strings that define labels used in the Favorites window. For example, we will change the "Favorites" label to "HTML Files", because we will use that window specifically for HTML files.

  1. Open the Files window and expand the module suite's branding folder.
  2. Create a new folder structure within branding/modules. The new folder should be named org-netbeans-modules-favorites.jar. Within that folder, create a folder hierarchy of org/netbeans/modules/favorites. Within the final folder, i.e. favorites, create a new file. This folder structure and properties file matches the folder structure in the NetBeans sources that relate to the Favorites window.
  3. Add the strings shown in the screenshot below, to override the same strings defined in the matching properties file in the Favorites window sources:

    find favorites

    For ease of copying and pasting, these are the strings defined above:

    Favorites=HTML Files
    ACT_AddOnFavoritesNode=&Find HTML Files...
    ACT_Remove=&Remove from HTML Files List
    ACT_View=HTML Files
    ACT_Select=HTML Files
    ACT_Select_Main_Menu=Select in HTML Files List

    # JFileChooser
    CTL_DialogTitle=Add to HTML Files List
    ERR_FileDoesNotExist={0} does not exist.
    ERR_FileDoesNotExistDlgTitle=Add to HTML Files List
    MSG_NodeNotFound=The document node could not be found in the HTML Files List.

Running the Application

Running your application is as simple as right-clicking the project node and choosing a menu item.

  1. Right-click the application's project node and choose Clean and Build All.
  2. Right-click the application's project node and choose Run:

    running the application

  3. After the application is deployed, you can right-click inside the Favorites window and choose a folder containing HTML files, and then open an HTML file, as shown below:

    splash screen panel

Including Update Functionality

To make your application extendable, you need to let your users install modules to enhance the application's functionality. To do so, you simply need to enable a few extra modules, which will bundle the Plugin Manager with your HTML Editor.

  1. Right-click the module suite project and choose Properties. In the Project Properties dialog box, use the Libraries panel and select the checkboxes that are highlighted below:

    running the application

  2. Right-click the application's project node and choose Clean and Build All.
  3. Run the application again and notice that you now have a new menu item, named "Plugins", under the Tools menu:

    splash screen panel

  4. Choose the new Plugins menu item and install some plugins that are useful to your HTML Editor. Browse the Plugin Portal to find some suitable ones.

Distributing the Application

The IDE can create a JNLP application, for web starting your application, as well as a ZIP file, which includes the application's launcher. In this section, we examine the latter approach.

  1. Right-click the application's project node and choose Build ZIP Distribution, as shown below:

    running the application

    A ZIP file is created in the module suite's dist folder, which you can see in the Files window.

  2. After unzipping the application, you should see the following:

    running the application

    Note: The application's launcher is created in the bin folder, as shown above.

Distributing the HTML Editor via the Shared NetBeans JNLP Repository

Finally, let's finetune the master.jnlp file that is generated the first time you start the application. Even though it does the job, it is not yet ready for distribution. At the very least, you need to change the information section to provide better descriptions and icons.

Another change to the standard JNLP infrastructure is the use of a shared JNLP repository on By default, the JNLP application generated for a suite always contains all its modules as well as all the modules it depends on. This may be useful for intranet usage, but it is a bit less practical for wide internet use. When on the internet, it is much better if all the applications built on the NetBeans Platform refer to one repository of NetBeans modules, which means that such modules are shared and do not need to be downloaded more than once.

There is such a repository for NetBeans 6.0. It does not contain all the modules that NetBeans IDE has, but it contains enough to make non-IDE applications like our HTML Editor possible. (See issue 112726.) To use the repository you only need to modify by adding the correct URL:

# share the libraries from common repository on
# this URL is for release60 JNLP files:

As soon as the application is started as a JNLP application, all its shared modules are going to be loaded from and shared with other applications doing the same.

Next Steps

Now that you have learnt a lot of nice tricks and have a working application built on the NetBeans Platform, you can look at the XML Layer node's subnodes some more. Without much work, you can continue finetuning your application, pruning and tweaking it until you have a solid, streamlined application that does exactly what you want it to do. Next, find out how easy it is to add your own modules to your application. The NetBeans Platform Learning Trail show you a wide variety of use cases for extending the HTML Editor. For example, maybe you want to add your own menu items in the menu bar. Or maybe you want to provide additional HTML snippets in the component palette. Both these scenarios, and many more, are outlined in the tutorials in the Module Developer's Resources.

Also take a look at the NetBeans Platform 6.0 Paint Application Tutorial, which shows you how to create your own Paint Application. Finally, a slightly more complex application is provided in the NetBeans Platform 6.0 Feed Reader Tutorial.

Posts Tagged trick to find router IP address

How to find out your router IP address in Windows

There are many router models out there and the one that your ISP gives to you sometimes does not include the router IP address, they come with an auto installable kit instead.

Entering a router IP address into your web browser toolbar will take you to the router interface, this is very useful to change the router default settings and others.

A router IP address can not be changed, this is embedded into the hardware by the manufacturer, a router of the same brand and series will use the same IP, which means that it is not secret, anyone using the same router as you and in range, could connect wireless to your router interface and modify the settings, you should always change the default router password.

Step 1 to find router address:

Open Windows run and type cmd.exe OR, alternatively, if you can’t find Windows run search for cmd.exe OR

Command prompt cmd Windows

Command prompt cmd Windows

Step 2 to find router IP address:

At the Windows command line prompt type ipconfig you will now see your computer Internet IP, IPv6, MAC address and router IP address.

The router IP address is the IP written right after where it says “Default Gateway” , you can notice in the picture that there are two default gateways, this is because the router is wireless and has more than one connection port, the RJ45 ports belongs to the wired ethernet connection (in this case empty) and the other port is a default router gateway belonging to the Wireless connection.

ipconfig find router IP address

ipconfig find router IP address

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Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Cara mudah membuat game mobile java

Bagaimana membuat game java yang bisa diaplikasikan di Handphone(HP), jawabannya adalah “mudah”. dengan menggunakan Java Netbeans 6.0 dan versi diatasnya sudah include mobility pack 6.0, klo netbeans versi dibawahnya kudu installkan netbeans mobility pack nya secara manual. dalam java mobility pack sudah disediakan mobile game builder tools yang memudahkan kita untuk membuat game secara cepat dan mudah. didalam mobile game builder sudah disediakan beberapa tools untuk membuat bagian-bagian dari game sebagai berukut :

* Scene
* tiled layer
* Sprite

Scene digunakan sebagai game world / dunia / latar / area dari permainan yang didalamnya merupakan gabungan dari tiled layer dan sprite. hasil dari scene yang dibuat akan tercipta source updateLayerManagerForNamaScene(LayerManager lm)


Tiled Layer layer yang dibuat sebagai environment / perangkat / sesuatu yang ada dalam game. contoh forest : mewakili layer / environment hutan didalamnya terdapat pohon besar dankecil serta semak-semak.

Tiled Layer

Sprite adalah karakter yang akan dimainkan dalam game, karakter yang dimaksud bisa karakter yang akan dimainkan secaa interaktif oleh user ataupun karakter yang pergerakannya digenerate otomatis oleh system dalam game.

scene 2 - Sprite

hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dari game builder :

* setiap scene, tiled layer dan sprite yang diciptakan akan dibuatkan sourcenya secara otomatis oleh game builder (lihat di tab source).
* jika akan dibuat 1 karakter untuk banyak karakter didalam game maka perlu adanya modifikasi methode/fungsi yang ada dalam source.
* untuk 1 karakter untuk banyak karakter bisa igunakan array atau list.
* siapkan image karakter dan latar yang akan digunakan.

selanjutnya load scene, tiled layer dan sprite yang telah dubuat dan dibutuhkan dalam class yang extend ke GameCanvas. jangan lupa setting properties dari project ke MIDP 2.0 karena HP yang ada sekarang kebanyakan masih support MIDP 2.0

naah selamat mencoba tunggu ulasan berikutnya.

sumber :
on Selasa, 06 April 2010